Lady Cloud Devil

Earlier this week I was wandering around the internet and came across a site that some of you might enjoy. I was reading Teresa’s recap of the Women in Racing luncheon at Aqueduct and followed this link find out more about the documentary that was shown at the luncheon.

While reading about the documentary I noticed this…

For a look at how girls are learning to be bright, knowledgeable women through their affection for horses, take a look at The Girls Horse Club.

I was not one of those 12 year old horse crazy girls. I was into skateboarding and basketball. In fact I mowed lawns, ran errands, had garage sales, etc to save enough money to buy the 1977 30" Alva Pig that’s now in reissue. (I also got Gullwing Phoenix HPG IV trucks, Road Rider 4s and rad pads… for all you late 70s, 12 year old skate crazy kids, like me).

My step-sister and one my best friends were horse crazy girls, and they each had a horse. Both of them were up early before school to go the barn and right back to the barn after school. One rode English and the other Western. They both looooooooved their horses and worked so hard on their riding. I’m convinced it was the kind of devotion only a 12 year old girl can show.

I can’t remember my step-sister’s horses name but my friend Diana’s horse was Chante. I’m not sure what breed she was, but she was grey and not the most friendly of horses. My one memory of Chante was that Di had a sleigh and a couple of times when it snowed she would get it out and we would ride around town at night (we were of legal driving age at this point). Needless to say it was pretty cool riding around in a horse drawn sleigh!

When I got to Girls Horse Club I went right to the blog. The entries are great! All posted by girls, natch. I loved this one, it completely reminded me of Amy (my step-sis) and my friend Diana. Both of them still love horse and still ride and never became “too caught up in fashion to think about horses”.

So, without further adieu, I introduce you to Lady Cloud Devil… my perfect horse!

Note: you’ll need to allow pop-ups to view my perfect horse. I may even go make some more perfect horses.

Go, make a perfect horse, revisit or get to know your inner 12 year old horse crazy girl… and I hope you never become too caught up in fashion to think about horses!