I was reading Andy Beyer’s “Derby Prep Races Offer Little Interest” column today and was struck by something he said…
Only one colt has delivered anything resembling a spectacular performance: Big Brown, in his Florida Derby victory.
However, in his Feb 11th “Pyro’s Late Kick a Jaw-dropper” column he had this to say about Pyro’s Risen Star run…
I have been watching and covering prep races for the Kentucky Derby for four decades, and I would rank this among the most impressive ever – along with Honest Pleasure’s 1976 Flamingo Stakes and Spend a Buck’s 1985 Garden State Stakes.
Insert your own thoughts here media, hype, short term memory and the seduction of a flashy finish… I’d supply some thoughts but I have a lot of work to do tonight (which will probably result in some more procrastination posting!).
In an unrelated note, Railbird also takes exception to Beyer’s current column regarding a different issue, which spawns an interesting conversation about surface, bias, divination and frock kissing… check it out!