Rainy vacations, that is. The last few vacations I’ve planned have turned out to be rainy, why should this one be any different?
I meant to make a “gone fishin'” post before I left but didn’t get a chance. I may make a post or two from my deluxe accommodations at the Bates Motel but am on an official blogging break, if there is a such thing, until I return next week.
In the mean time you can catch good opening day posts here, here and here.
Is Lava Man really retired? If so I’ll do a proper send off post when I return but until then you can go here for race replays.
Did Jeremy Rose’s suspension really get reduced? Here’s some good commentary on it.
And one small exciting note, Mushka makes her return on Friday in an allowance race!
Everything else can wait til I get back… good luck everyone and happy rainy Spa!