All those big owners and trainers don’t read blogs, let alone comment on them… get thee over to Handride and check out this post!
Those of you on Facebook who belong to the Kentucky Derby group are by now well acquainted with Justin Zayat and Riley Mott, the 15-ish year old sons of Ahmed Zayat and Bill Mott. Both Justin and Riley are an interesting mix of typical 15 year old boy and seasoned, knowledgeable pros. It’s great fun to see them do dead on analysis of a horse’s abilities or what their next move should be while throwing in an occasional “Zayat/Mott dynastyyy!” shout out or “monsterrr”.
In my estimation it’s always a great sign for the future of something when young people take to it, and we all know horse racing is just a bit more involved than most extracurricular activities, to say the least. No doubt being in the industry helps immensely but there’s never a guarantee that a child becomes interested in and/or takes to the family business.
And just a note to all you big trainers, owners, publishers, writers, jockeys and handicapping gods that no doubt read GbG daily… don’t be shy, leave a comment!