What makes a horse a legend? Is breaking a long standing record enough? In my mind, she’s definitely a legend but I don’t have a very expansive sense of the history of the sport… so tell me your thoughts dear readers, is she a legend? And if not, why?
The previous poll on Ladies Day was the most voted on poll so far here at GbG with 53 votes to date. It was a squeaker between “Good god, Ladies’ Classic? Are you crazy?” with 13 votes while “Change Ladies’ Classic name back to Distaff and I’m good” was a close second with 12. “Well intentioned but needs some work!” got up for a show by a nose with 11 while “Love it as is!” came in with 9 and “Feels a bit icky & sexist…” came in with 8. All and all, a tightly bunched pack… well done!