Casino Drive acting up in the paddock prior to the Peter Pan (Bud Morton)
According to the past performance, Casino Drive, yesterday’s impressive winner of the Peter Pan and everyone’s favorite new potential foil to Big Brown, was sans meds. No lasix, no bute… although it looked like he had one too many green teas in the paddock!
John of The Race is Not to the Swift points out that this may be another case of a reckless owner (although I STILL don’t agree that entering Eight Belles that was reckless as he claims) as Casino Drive will be asked to go a mile and a half on his third start.
I’d like to see Ready’s Echo in the Belmont as well, perhaps someone over at Pletcher Inc. can work with him to get him to sit closer to the actual race? He could be pretty interesting under those circumstances.
Me pregunto qué ha sucedido con Tomcito? Él no parecía cómodo por ahí y como Superfecta señala en los comentarios, funciona muy bien en las mañanas, pero no es lo que eleva a la pista. ¿Qué sucedió? (Gracias Google Translate!)