You Know You Want It!

A DVD of the incredible documentary film The First Saturday in May, that is! And now you have a chance to win one…

The First Saturday in May Film DVD Giveaway Contest!

Have a RTTR stable? Perfect! Then join the TFSIM league for a chance to win a DVD of TFSIM. But hurry up because the prep season is already under way …

The top 10 winners will each get a DVD of the TFSIM when it is released this May.

The Fine Print: Enter as many stables as you like but each individual can only win one prize.

Point your browser to

League Number: 1632808932

Activation Code: 865779870

Also, check out the updated Hennegan Brothers blog and grab their new widget to help promote film!

I’ll be adding it here within the week as I have to make room for it, but while I’m at it I’m going to add a Derby Madness section as well.