The Only Thing Staying in Vegas is my Money


Super early tomorrow morning yours truly will be on her way to Vegas for the NTRA marketing summit. I have the good fortune to be flying out with Jessica on Jet Blue where, in addition to being in good company, I can indulge in all sorts of non-low rent snack foods, watch TV, have more leg room and possibly be seated near someone with an emotional support animal!

As you may have guessed, both Jessica and I will be discussing matters related to the internet. We’ll also be giving a few little demos to keep things lively and hopefully more insightful than just explaining twitter or widgets.

Speaking of twitter, you may have noticed the tacky new widget prominently featured over there on the upper right. I plan on “live twittering” (is that a phrase?) the trip. Mind you, it will more than likely just a be series of my failings in the sports book + what snack foods I’ve indulged in (I’m kicking off the trip with a blueberry cake donut from Dunkin Donuts in the Jet Blue terminal!) but who knows, I might be able to impart some insights from the conference or some juicy tidbits (but don’t count on it).

You can also follow along here, grab the RSS or sign up for a twitter account and “following me”.

As I settled down in front of the idiot box last night good fortune smiled on me again. One of my fav movies, Casino, was on. I couldn’t think of a better way to get in the mood for this trip as I’m sure my trip will totally parallel the film.. minus the violence, large amounts of money, more violence and stealing. I guess that just leaves gambling and wearing giant glasses… both of which I’ll definitely be doing.