Author Archives: dana

Red Giant Retired

Red Giant, after setting a world record in what would be his last race (Charles Pravata)

One of the small niggling things that I felt I would be missing out on this Breeders’ Cup was watching and wagering on Red Giant in the Turf. Sadly that won’t be haunting me now… as of this morning, not only is he out of the Breeders’ Cup, but he’s been retired. Why? A fever.

The 4-year-old Giant’s Causeway colt was scheduled to breeze this morning at Santa Anita. A routine temperature check showed the colt had a fever and a decision was made by trainer Todd Pletcher and owner John Fort of Peachtree Stable to skip the work and withdraw Red Giant from the race.

“We have been monitoring him closely this morning, and there’s been no change,” said Pletcher. “I spoke with John, and the horse will be retired to stud as planned. It’s very disappointing. The Breeders’ Cup was to be his last race.”

I suppose it’s not THAT outlandish since he was scheduled to be retired after the BC, but it’s still annoying. He had returned this year and was not only 2 for 2 but had just set a world record over the Santa Anita turf in the Clement L. Hirsch going 1 1/4 miles in 1:57.16:

Get well soon, and thanks for the memories. Too bad you didn’t get a chance to win the Breeders’ Cup Turf!

MTV Cribs: Zenyatta

It’s amazing what a little digging can uncover. As it turns out trainer John Shirreffs has a YouTube account and has been posting clips of training!

Here’s Zenyatta, “Back at Hollywood”. She walks the shed row, munches on some grass and breezes on the track. Presumably it Shirreffs talking with a pal who confesses a white pony ran off with him. There’s also a non sequitur about rhythmic breathing while the stunning filly jogs around the track.

Here’s October 16th featuring Life is Sweet’s first day on the main track, a small bit of Zenyatta galloping and some very odd schooling that consists of standing around while Trevor Denman’s race call is played. She definitely reacts as his call gets more excited, trying to bite her groom at one point… it’s pretty funny. The soon to be retired Tiago does the same schooling but they work on putting the saddle on him.

And finally this past Saturday morning, some footage of the track and then some shots in barn where he mentions “the movie”. Could John Shirreffs be the next Hennegan Brothers? And finally, back to some walking with Zenyatta, or Zenya as he sweetly calls her, and company.

Alright, now get the hell out of her house!

Still Stunning

Curlin in his final BC prep at Santa Anita (Charles Pravata)

I may not be participating in this year’s BC, but I’ll still be rooting for Curlin and others!

Here’s a video of his work:

Thanks Raceday 360!

As a side bar, I had the pleasure of attending the NTRA’s press conference for the announcement of the newly formed Safety & Integrity Alliance this morning along with Miss Superfecta and Jessica, aka my fellow distaff bloggers as Superfecta put it.

Check out Superfecta’s recap for a look at what was discussed. It felt like a genuine and real first step on the long road to reform to me and I’ll comment more after I’ve read all the material (and have more of my wits about me!).

Not On My Dime

My esteemed colleagues have been doing a bang up job of commenting on the Breeders’ Cup this week.

Honestly, I haven’t been able to muster much interest, in part because I didn’t care about a Curlin/BB match up… I wanted one or both of them to pass so they would both be more likely to come back next year. Alas, it’s not to be. With several interesting horses taking a pass on the fake stuff, there really isn’t much to look forward with the exception of the end of a tumultuous year.

Last Thursday I had a some time to kill before the end of the work day so I took a little spin around the usual haunts. As I perused Bloodhorse, I noticed that the current version of Talkin’ Horses featured Peter Land, Chief Marketing Officer of the Breeders’ Cup. “This ought to be interesting”, I thought to myself.

On the fourth answer, not only did my jaw drop, but I knew in a nano second that I wouldn’t be playing either day of the BC this year, not just Friday that I had already committed to.

Let me address the Friday card first. First and foremost, the move to an all filly and mare schedule on Friday was a racing decision not a marketing decision. We believe that the fillies and mares deserve a Championship day of their own and that fans will enjoy two near equal days of Championship racing.

Then how about having it the following or prior SATURDAY, when people will see it + it won’t feel like a demotion?

We like our new model and think it will stand the test of time. As for the name of the event, that was a marketing decision. We are trying to make the Breeders‚ Cup more accessible and appealing to those inside and outside of our sport.

There comes a point when complaining about a situation yet still taking part in it makes one complicit, and I’ve found that point with the Breeders’ Cup. After all of the various (and loud) public “feedback” on this decision, they STILL aren’t listening to their existing, and rapidly dwindling, customers.

Say what you will about the NTRA, but they’re making a big and honest effort not only to reach out to fans and players, but they’re also starting to take action on what they’re hearing. Regardless of whether you like them, what they stand for or whoever you think represent, that good faith gesture (along with some follow through, that I’ll give you 2-1 on) is what PAYING CUSTOMERS want. Not arrogance, not “we think our new model will stand the test of time” with not one shred of acknowledgment that you’re willing to consider what you’re hearing from your existing customers.

Well, good luck to you Breeders’ Cup, you’ll have to do it without my dime. I’m no Mike Maloney (a girl can dream), but my bank roll last year was in the 4 digits… and believe me when I tell you that I left it all in New Jersey. I had planned on scaling back my bank roll this year, but instead of handing it over to a group that has no interest in their customers, I’m going to donate my BC bank roll to rescue, stay tuned for who and how I donate it. If you feel the same way about the Breeders’ Cup, I invite you to do the same.

RIP Breeders’ Cup Distaff

Ginger Punch winning the last installment of the Breeders’ Cup Distaff (Charles Pravata)

Moran’s post this morning inspired me to watch all of the Breeders’ Cup Distaff races… he’s right, but here are all 23 reasons.

1984 – Princess Rooney

1985 – Life’s Magic

1986 – Ladies Secret

1987 – Sacahuista

1988 – Personal Ensign

1989 – Bayakoa

1990 – Bayakoa

[WARNING – includes Go For Wand’s upsetting breakdown in the stretch]

1991 – Dance Smartly

1992 – Paseana

1993 – Hollywood Wildcat

1994 – One Dreamer

1995 – Inside Information

1996 – Jewel Princess

1997 – Ajina

1998 – Escena

1999 – Beautiful Pleasure

2000 – Spain

2001 – Unbridled Elaine

2002 – Azeri

2003 – Adoration

2004 – Ashado

2005 – Pleasant Home

2006 – Round Pond

2007 – Ginger Punch

Two Grey Reasons the 80s Rocked

Cozzene at Gainsway (Heidi + David)

The kids today love the 80s. There was huge wacky hair, outlandish color palettes and completely disempowering “rad” out fits… and let’s not forget the music. It was a time of true pop cultural departures as all things underground seemed to go mainstream and multiple genres not only appeared but became legitimate… perhaps this spirit was reflected in the creation of the Breeders’ Cup.

I saw the following sentiment on Facebook today:

Ernie Munick would fear neither Zarkava nor Zenyatta, if he had Princess Rooney.

Naturally, this sent me right over to YouTube!

Unfortunately the only race to be found for Hall of Famer and champion mare Princess Rooney was the inaugural running of the Distaff in 1984, where she dueled against fast fractions and not only held on but romped!

There’s also a touching profile that looks like it aired Horse Racing TV.

But Princess Rooney wasn’t the only notable horse to pass, BC champion and oldest sire standing at Gainsway Cozzene passed away as well.

The only race of Cozzene’s is his 85 BC Mile win where he stalked the pace and came on in the stretch in a very professional looking run.

These two weren’t a part of my rockin’ 80s but it’s obvious they didn’t earn their money for nothing. She’s a beauty and let’s hear it for the boy!

Rest in peace.

New Poll, Your Biggest Issue with the BC

This poll has actually been up a few days and I’m happy to see people have been voting. You may have noticed the up tick in posts and commentary on the various issues surrounding the Breeders’ Cup so why not vote on it?

Need some refreshers on the issues? There’s Crist’s column on Ladies Day, the TBA point/counter point on Ladies Day (with interesting ongoing comments), John’s excellent recent post “What’s in a Name” and Kennedy’s observations about various inconsistencies, just to name a few.

Is your biggest complaint that there’s two days instead of one? Is Ladies Day not your cup of tea or are you just bothered by the name Ladies Classic (and hey, why didn’t the change the Juvenile and Turf Fillies too? Little Ladies, Little Ladies Turf and Ladies Turf)? Is running the championship on a new surface your biggest complaint or do you just wish they’d use standard saddle cloths to help a horse player out? And for the indecisive and/or equally bothered, there’s always All of the Above.

In our last poll Zenyatta was leading prior to the races but afterwards Curlin started to pull ahead. I thought Zenyatta’s win was more impressive but no doubt some of you were swayed by the record breaking earnings, or was it the repeat of the JCGC?

The voting worked out to be 37 for Curlin, 25 for Zenyatta and 20 for Big Brown. As always, thanks for voting!

Quelle Championne!

Zarkava at Longchamp last October (kanzebu)

Zarkava made short work of the impressive Arc field today, which prompted Raceday360 to declare the this the “Year of the Chick“.

TRNY member and pal Carol also noted that the “Z” girls really have it this year. Indeed, now if they would just run our “Z” girl in the Classic.

Gloat note: I had the exacta in the Arc… those payouts were nice! Ah, money in the pools.

Now in English thanks to E’s head’s up! It includes the parade as well, the race starts at around 3:40.

Arson Squad, Back in Business

Arson Squad in the paddock at Del Mar (stolenbikini)

I remember the formidable Arson Squad of the 2007 Strub. This was not too long after I had become obsessed with racing. I liked Spring at Last, who placed, but it was Arson Squad who made a big impression on me.

After this impressive win he took a break and came back at Del Mar to run in the San Diego Handicap. This race started a string of 7 lackluster synthetic performances.

Owned by JMS, the 5yo is now in training with Babe here in the land of the dirt track and was entered in tonight’s Meadowland Cup Handicap. Babe has an impressive 28% first time with team record and an also excellent 26% sprint/route (his last was 7f).

I didn’t catch too much of a glimpse of him in the parade but GbG fav Anak Nakal looked great. I also liked Pass the Point who’s works have been improving since his impressive performance placing to Curlin (I had the exacta). My only concern about him was the impending front end speed duel with Timber Reserve (who held on for show). Anak Nakal is closer and Arson Squad is a stalker so I wasn’t that concerned about them. In fact, the hot pace was good for both of them.

As it turned out, Pass the Point couldn’t hold on after pretty wicked speed duel and Arson Squad made an emphatic return to dirt. Anak Nakal was no slouch either getting up for place after being pinched back at the start and going wide into the turn + I believe this is his first outing against older horses.

Congrats Arson Squad, can’t wait to see you in the Clark, babe!