Runaway horse training at Saratoga, just another odd occurrence in an odd opening week. (Sarah K. Andrew)
Swifty and I returned from Saratoga late last night. Even though it rained almost everyday and long shots were not doing that well it was a great trip… even better than last year!
Today at Saratoga it was sunny and Tergesti & Wanderin’ Boy were the only favorites to win, with 4 of 10 winners having odds in the double digits. Now I know how Pyro feels.
It will probably take a me a couple of days to get back up to blogging speed but here are some highlights:
Papa Backstretch is my new handicapping idol, hitting 5 winners on Thursday!
As first reported at Raceday 360, there’s a roving band of pre-teen boys following Sam the Bugler around heckling “no shot” every time he talks to a woman.
I got to have dinner with these fine folks and a few others who don’t actually blog (yes, there are people who don’t blog… but not many!).
I cashed some tickets! Although I gave it all back and then some, but I did manage to make some good picks.
Swifty has now created the Adam R. Wiener patented Trifecta System, PayPal $9.99 here.
Swifty and I wore our best loud and nutty outfits on Saturday (me red plaid shorts, him bandanna pattern/madras-y pants w/elegant straw chapeau). At one point we were at the paddock and stone faced Edgar Prado rode by on his mount, looked at us and chuckled. I think this was this might have been non-betting highlight of the trip!
Swifty won the best 2 out of 3 ticket cashing contest (we had one every day starting on Friday). Congrats to Swifty!
I won the unofficial “Pastiest legs in Saratoga” contest 2 days in a row and Swifty won the “Nutty-est Male Outfit” on Saturday. We saw someone who may have had us both beat but it turned out my legs were pastier and he was a she.
There was an excellent riderless horse moment on Sunday in the 7th race when Hanginonaprayer broke through the gate and was a running the race all on her own, without a rider. A rider & pony (what are they called?) finally caught her right by the finish line and the crowd cheered her all the way!
All this and so much more, and I even took pictures this time (as requested by my mother)… stay tuned!