Will he be the one? (defekto)
In recent years I waxed tweentastic over the impending Derby hopefuls. This year, whether it’s due to a inevitable let down from the likes of Rachel Alexandra’s 3-year-old campaign or the fact that I’ve been the equivalent of an exchange student spending all my time on Hello Race Fans, I’m having a little trouble focusing on finding a date.
With the advent of the Derby Prep Alert where I covered Santa Anita, I’m leaning more towards the surfer dudes this year… let’s see if they can hang ten.
Like, as in Like Like:
Um, no one?
Ok, if you totally twisted my arm I might, MIGHT say Caracortado. Cool name, right? And hey, who doesn’t like a cute a guy from the wrong side the tracks who can totally hang with in-crowd? And who cares if he lost the San Felipe, he went way wide and totally ran well. Likewise for the Santa Anita Derby, Lookin at Lucky isn’t the only one that stupid Skipshot messed with. I know, I know, he’s probably doesn’t have enough earnings to get in the gate, but if he did…
Super Saver:
The more I think about it, the more this guy could creep into my heart as my date for the big dance. He had dreamy 2-year-old form and already rocked at Churchill. If he trains well he might be my date. Did I mention that he’s reunited with one Mr. Calvin Borel, aka the king of Churchill Downs? While some think he hung in the Arkansas Derby (ok, he hung), it’s not Line of David is going to be the only speed horse this year… duh, someone’s gotta pick up the pieces!
Like with a little l
Sidney’s Candy:
See, I’m totally all about the Cali boys this year… weird! Besides being named after candy, he can really turn it on and smoke ’em in the stretch. Does his totally rad running style hinder him what with all the other speedy types? Maybe.
He was my pick for awhile, and don’t tell my friends, but he STILL might be my pick. I wish he could rate, but no one’s perfect, right? Fingers crossed that he just needed to get a clunker out of the way… he’s been doing so well! I’d rather see him bomb during practice than on game night (or afternoon in this case)
Sort of growing on me:
Lookin at Lucky:
At first I was like:
“Yeah, you’re kinda cool and weren’t you something last year? While everyone is busy telling you how great you look I’ll be home washing my hair, but thanks!”
But now I’m like:
“You know, now that you’ve messed up a little, learned a few things, I think you could turn out ok. You know what it’s like to think everything’s all “clear sailing” and then have something go wrong. I think that experience could serve you well… but don’t get too cocky dude, you might mess up again!
Would be seen in the hallway with:
You’ve got the right moves to show up in style and surprise everyone on the big day… everyone but me! Too bad you probably won’t make it in the gate, maybe I’ll see you in the Preakness?
I know, you’re probably gonna be an underlay because you’re from the same hometown as last year’s winner but I still think you’re pretty interesting. And it would be totally rad if your trainer were the first woman trainer to win the Derby!
Let me take my girlfriend to the prom!
Hi, it’s me, Constance… and I’d like to take my girlfriend to the prom. And not some fake ass prom either! We all know Hollendorfer likes to win and I’ve heard that your connections are kind of conservative so you’re likely going to the Oaks (which is hot all by itself!), but damn you would be hot in the Derby! Damn!
Not Sure About:
See my original thought about Lookin at Lucky minus last year. And compared to everyone else he looks like he’s about 25, gross! Yeah, he’s won easy, but what’s he gonna do when he gets in traffic or has a challenge? Maybe he’ll win easily, but I’ll just have to wait and see.
Want to Like But:
Jackson Bend:
Sure, you’re cute, but so are a lot of other guys.
Ice Box:
Just because you show up once and do a good job doesn’t mean I want to go to the dance with you. Pffft.
Mission Impaziable:
I like your jock! Ew, gross… that wasn’t what I meant, duh! As I was saying, of all the guys milling around trying to look cool, I think you’ve got the most goin’ on. But being king of the dorks isn’t really all that great now is it?
Stately Victor:
Ok, “Stately Victory”, let’s you do that again.
Pssst. Yeah, you. I actually think you’re kinda hot. But I think you like to dance to fast and will want to go home before it’s over. Too bad…
American Lion:
I totally used to make fun of you, but I think after all that brou-ha-ha about you being some big deal, you actually did step up to the plate and show us what you’re made of it. I think your running style might work out well but am not convinced about that bunch you beat. But way to go on finally coming into your own!
Blah, blah, blah, excuses. Blah, blah, excuses. Whatever. (Although your trainer is pretty sneaky… maybe I should keep my eye on you, hmmmm).
Discreetly Mine:
I’m sorry, have we met? Oh right, Louisiana. I’m sure I’ll see you over the summer or maybe in the fall in some spots where your running style can help me cash some tickets but until then best of luck!
Dean’s Kitten:
Meow! I could say your name all day… but is that enough?
Awesome Act:
Dude, your act was totally not awesome when that froggy jock strangled the bejesus out of you in Wood Memorial. If I were you I’d be pissed!
Didn’t you move or something? You’ve been around less than me… and I’ve been an exchange student!
I may also try to do my old standard, fun with Derby names too, but I think it might be a lot harder to come up with an *&^% &*& pick six this year! Until then, there’s always Kentucky Derby Betting (dollar, dollar bill y’all!) and don’t forget to check out the 2010 Kentucky Derby contenders on Horse Racing Nation!