Author Archives: dana

Things To Remember

(Sarah K. Andrew)

When feeling the urge to whine about not knowing Rachel Alexandra’s next start:

  1. The campaign she might be having if still owned by Dolphus “Stallion Derby” Morrison
  2. She’s a 3yo filly who might run against older males
  3. If she remains sound she will most likely race again next year

So what if they’d like to work her one more time before deciding whether or not run against OLDER MALES? Seriously, so what?

If the bullet point format isn’t enough to convince, please check the comments at Railbird and Ed DeRosa’s blog for further thoughts on why this is a non-issue. And if all else fails I might suggest taking this approach, it’s working for me!

To Which We Say “Thank You!”

(Sarah K. Andrew)

Much to the delight of this horseplayer, the Breeders’ Cup announced today that it’s finally adopting the standard saddle cloths! Anyone who’s read this blog for any length of time knows that this is an issue I’ve been whining about discussing for quite some time. So a hearty “Thank You” to Breeders’ Cup for listening to fan feedback and taking action!

The Breeders’ Cup made its decision to switch to the standard colored system following discussions with its Fan Advisory Council and with horseplayers across the U.S. and Canada and as part of the long-range planning being undertaken by the organization.

A big thanks also goes out to all who signed the Take Back the Race Petition last year. Because of the petition a few of us were lucky enough to be some of the horseplayers to meet with the Breeders’ Cup face to face to discuss many issues effecting fans.

Point 2 of the Take Back the Race Petition stated:

Create a fan committee representing the diversity of the racing audience to provide ideas and feedback on proposed changes and marketing plans to the Breeders’ Cup

The Fan Advisory Council, which they mention in the press release, is just that. I’m lucky enough to be a member along with Patrick of TBA/Handride, Ernie of TRNY, some HANA members and a wide cross section of fans and players. No doubt there are more changes that we’d all like to see, but the changes have started and there’s a mechanism for feedback and dialog.

It’s nice to have something to be cheerful about, especially in combination with some of the other recent unexpected good news. As Swifty is fond of saying, who deserves it more than us?

Green but Game Poster Child

Encore Saritta, my 2009 fantasy ownership pick (West Point Thoroughbreds)

Every year (ok, starting last year) I pick a couple of West Point Thoroughbred offerings sort of as a “fantasy ownership” situation. I can’t swing the kind of dough necessary to buy in to their partnerships (or any for that matter) so I live vicariously and “practice” the art of the biggest wager in horse racing, ownership.

Last year I did alright, I liked Macho Again (great pick!) and Erin’s Golden Star (who? she’s a solid allowance level horse based at Philly Park).

Since I have yet to learn anything about pedigrees I used a skill I’ve been honing all year to make my selection, looking at them. This year I have only one pick and it’s Encore Saritta. I wanted to get this post about before she debuted, but Swifty can attest that she was my pick prior to her debut and win.

I kept searching for her to add to my DRF horse watch but some how missed her. I was alerted to her debut after the fact by Blood Horse’s nifty race results twitter feed.

You can see her debut race here, courtesy of Blood Horse’s also nifty domestic race replay section.

According to West Point’s site:

Under Robby Albarado, the speedy chestnut filly broke alertly and dueled on the lead down the backstretch under quick fractions of 21.75 and 45.35. At the top of the stretch, she opened a four length lead. After a few green strides in the stretch and several heart-pounding moments for the West Point team, the black and gold crossed the wire first. Encore Saritta stopped the teletimer in a solid 58.17 seconds.

Game doesn’t even begin to describe it as she battled through those fractions and pulled away but the green part was pretty hilarious. Needless to say I was annoyed that she paid $22 and I missed it, but I’m totally looking forward to seeing how my fantasy ownership selection plays out. Go Encore Saritta!

Putting My Fingers in My Ears, La La La

(Sarah K. Andrew)

I’m officially over the Zenyatta vs. Rachel mess debate, specifically the ridiculous statements from the owners/connections. As Val points out in her devil’s advocate post, the craziest statement from either camp so far came from Moss after Zenyatta’s win in the Clement Hirsch:

I’ve always said it would be great to have them run (against each other), but so far Rachel Alexandra has only raced against 3-year-olds, and we can’t do that anymore.

Well no duh. Meanwhile, count me in the camp that thinks Zenyatta’s win yesterday was impressive, just as I thought Stardom Bound’s similarly run win in the Santa Anita Oaks was impressive. Jessica of Railbird emailed me the following info from Trakus about Zenyatta’s run:

Check out the Trakus info — at the half, in 7th, ran the quarter in :24.47 (37.3 mph). She then kicks in for the final quarter and sixteenth in :22.91 and :5.65 (40 mph). Wow.

Wow is right. I’m not ready to concede that Rachel is better than Zenyatta or vice-versa, just that Rachel’s camp has gone out of their way to challenge their most talented barn member while Zenyatta’s camp has done quite the opposite.

Like most, I hope to see them race (NOT in a stupid match race) and I hope it’s on dirt… but until then, la la la la la la la.

Sports Fan Behavior?

Zenyatta going to the post in the Vanity (crystaldiamondk2)

It’s very curious to me that the either/or mentality that has, in my opinion, cast a pall over our country is alive and well in racing in the form of Rachel vs. Zenyatta. Zenyatta fans, of which I count myself, seem to be a bit miserable this week after Rachel’s win the Haskell.

One Zenyatta fan writes “I’m not ready to jump off the Zenyatta band wagon just yet” while another posts a comment here at GbG “I will be the first to admit as a huge Zenyatta fan that all you Rachel Alexandra people must be whooping it up right now after two mind-blowing performances in the Acorn and Haskell…”

Jump off the Zenyatta bandwagon in order to be a Rachel fan? You Rachel people must be whopping it up? What?? I don’t know about all y’all but I’m on BOTH bandwagons and will be whopping it up just as much when the mighty Zenyatta wins her TWELFTH race a row as I did for any Rachel win. Why is the assumption that if you are for one you are against the other?

No doubt “Zenyatta fans” (who think that they must somehow be against Rachel in order to be a Zenyatta fan) are feeling left out of the fun because her connections have not chosen to give her any challenges worthy of her greatness thus far this year. I know I would have loved to have seen Zenyatta cruise past Rail Trip in the Hollywood Gold Cup (except that I cashed a nice ticket on him), thus proving what we all already know about her… she’s friggin’ fierce.

And no doubt Jess Jackson’s on going refusal to run in the BC has “Zenyatta fans” nervous that they’ll never get the vindication that they seem to crave. While I want to see the two of them battle it out just as much as anyone else, I’m with Gary West & Val (check out her new kick ass site!) on the BC issue.

But back to my point, which is NOT about Jess Jackson and the BC (I suggest you jump into the comment thread here, if you’re interested in that topic). If this either/or mentality is what the industry is so dying to convert to racing, i.e., sports fans, let me just say that I’m not a fan.

Update: Val at Fillies First expands on this topic while Jessica at Railbird provides a spreadsheet tracking Zenyatta and Rachel’s 2009 campaigns.

Grand Slam of What?

(Charles Pravata)


Battle of Hastings, who has won the first two legs of the Grand Slam of Grass, is apparently not entered in the third leg that runs this weekend, the Secretariat. Not that you’d know about this by reading the coverage of the race as there is no mention of Battle of Hastings or why he’s not running.

As if it wasn’t already obvious enough that the relatively new Grand Slam of Grass was a bit under the radar, the connections of Battle of Hastings weren’t even there because of the series!

“To be honest, we didn’t know about the Grand Slam and all the bonuses until we got here” for the Turf Cup race, Ayers said. “We were just looking at the purse money. We figured we could race him at Hollywood for $100,000 or come to Virginia for $500,000. Like Mike said, it was pretty much a no-brainer.”

While it didn’t turn out so great for Colonial Downs this year, they already got what they needed from the series… decent races to anchor some marketing. Arlington doesn’t need the marketing juice with the Arlington Millions and Beverly D on the same card. So there you have it… perhaps we should start calling it the Half Slam of Grass?

That Time of the Month

(J R Webb)

On one hand the Del Mar cougar contest is harmlessly chuckle worthy and certainly in tune with at least some of their market. On the other hand, it’s just another example of how women in racing are frequently either reduced to their looks or perceived as not as skillful as their male counterparts… let’s review.

During the intro to Eddie Read on ESPN the voice over extolled the virtues of Del Mar while panning of shot of pretty young ladies dressed in summer hats…

“This seaside spa meet has it’s own beauty. Many notice it on two legs under hats”

Then there was the recent reminder that if a woman does happen to be talented, she’s “not just another pretty face“. And let’s not forget that no matter how talented she might be, she’s still perceived to be not as skillful as her male colleagues.

Meanwhile, while Rachel Alexandra is busy kicking every ass regardless of the genitalia that sits nearby, she’s (occasionally) getting called things like “Miss America“. Feh.

I’d like to take a moment to do two things:

1. Echo Barry Irwin’s recent sentiment shared over at Paulick’s and thank Jess Jackson, for purchasing Rachel Alexandra away from owners who would have never given her the opportunities she’s had to thrill us, precisely because she is a female.

2. Point out to all those pre-Preakness hand-wringers who seem to erroneously view sex as a safety issue that the great Rachel Alexandra is still very much with us… and the game is better off for it.

(Saratoga was great! Post coming soon.)

New Poll: Your Favorite Summer Racing

Into the clubhouse turn at Saratoga (Sarah K. Andrew)

Sure, there’s Saratoga and Del Mar, the premiere boutique summer meets, but they’re not the only game in town! I left this poll a little loose on purpose so you can interpret it as either as the track you most like to go to or the track you most like to play… it’s your call!

In my case they’re are one in the same… Saratoga. Of course, I haven’t been to that many tracks so maybe I would love Colonial Downs, Canterbury, Ellis or Emerald Downs just as much. In fact, maybe I’ll find out tomorrow, at least about playing Canterbury and Ellis, as I plan on playing the Claiming Crown and the HANA Pool Party race!

Is your favorite track to attend different from your favorite track to play? Feel free to elaborate!

In our last poll, Fav Triple Crown Race of 2009, 67 of you said the Derby, 51 of you said the Preakness, 19 of you said you loved them all equally and 12 of you said the Belmont. As always, thanks for participating!

Here’s to a prosperous, fun summer of racing… or, pari-mutually speaking, “here’s mud in your eye“!